
Love the Skin You’re In 

What’s your biggest organ? Your skin! We don’t usually think of it as an organ, but it’s one of the most important ones we have. I mean, it protects everything else that keeps us running on the inside. With that being said, we have to put just as much effort into taking care of our skin as we do taking care of the rest of our bodies.

     With the change in weather in the majority of the U.S., we have to switch up our skincare routine too. The whipping wind will have you looking super ashy if you don’t keep your moisturizing game on point. And who wants to look like they’ve rolled around in powder? Let’s jump into some things you have to do this winter to keep your skin looking fab…

#1: Moisturize

     Moisturizer is deeper than the first bottle of lotion you see on the shelf, my people! All lotions aren’t created equal, so you have to look at the ingredients & test the consistency. Look how runny the cocoa butter “lotion” is at the discount stores. That ain’t gonna cut it! Look for products, preferably creams, that contain hyaluronic acid & ceramide. They give your skin a little more TLC than those without them.

     Occlusive ingredients help best. Look for creams & lotions with Shea butter, cocoa butter, rosehip oil, jojoba oil, & that are petroleum-based. They help give your skin an extra barrier of protection & lock in the moisture we need.

     Don’t skimp on the usage either! Lather up that body every morning & every evening to lock the moisture in. It’ll help decrease itching & irritation, especially since there is almost always some type of fabric touching your skin 24/7. Make sure you do this right after you shower, patting dry instead of rubbing. It’ll help the moisture to set in even more.

#2: Hydrate & Eat Right

     Hydration goes both ways: on the inside & the outside. Year-round, it’s important to stay hydrated. Our bodies are made up of about 60% of water, so it’s essential that we maintain that level. It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, but I try to drink half of my body weight in ounces per day. Water keeps your organs running & helps your skin from looking & feeling dry.

     Eating healthy foods also contribute to keeping your skin looking fresh. Avoiding processed foods & a lot of sugar allows your body to get the vitamins, minerals, & fatty acids needed to maintain a healthy body & skin. Adding foods like vegetables & fruits give you a little extra water intake too & keep you fuller for longer periods of time. I need to really focus on this part. Ya girl is still sitting in the trash eating line!

     Now hydrating the outside of your body takes more work. A humidifier works wonders for your house & your skin. It keeps the moisture in the air, hence keeping your skin hydrated. Keeping your thermostat between 68-75 degrees F also helps to lock moisture in. I know it can get cold, but grabbing a blanket instead of roasting yourself (& jacking up your energy bill) will help more. Cutting your shower temperatures & times is the last of the trifecta. Hot water dries your skin out. Turn the temp down some so you don’t shrivel up as much.

#3: Don’t Skip the  Sunscreen 

     Many people think because the summer is gone & the sun has turned down the heat that sunscreen is no longer necessary. False! UV light doesn’t go away just because the sun is a little cooler. Put a layer on right after your moisturizer. Skincare doesn’t stop just because the sun is on a break!

#4: Tweak Your Beauty Routine

     I push self-care hard, especially with my weekly skincare routine. But when the weather changes, your routine has to as well. Continue to exfoliate your skin, but do it in moderation. If you notice your skin is dry, cracked, or flaky, take a break or change your exfoliant to a more gentle one. Chemical ones work just as well.

     Use gentler cleansers when washing your face & body. With the weather making your skin more susceptible to being sensitive or irritated, go easy on it by using products that are fragrance & alcohol-free.

   Your beauty routine includes what you wear, so cut back on the fabrics you wear & what you wash them in. Certain fabrics can irritate your skin, so try to stick to natural products as much as possible. Also, use detergent made for sensitive skin. It cuts down on irritants such as fragrances & harsh chemicals that’ll keep your skin itchy & uncomfortable.

     Keeping your skin looking & feeling healthy over the next couple of months may sound like a chore, but you’ll appreciate the effort once the sun comes back out to play! I use my planner to schedule the extras like exfoliating, getting mani/pedis, & doing a face mask. It’s the only way I can prioritize my self-care; I make myself a checklist & check the boxes as I accomplish tasks. There’s no shame in taking care of yourself, inside & out!

     You can never have too much information to get tips from. Here are some more resources to help keep your skin glowing all winter long. Take this skin type quiz first, so you know exactly what you need to do for your specific skin type: 

Incorporate these resources into your routine, & thank me later!

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