
If You Stay Ready, You Won’t Have to Get Ready; Time Is More Valuable Than Money

So many people think money solves all of your problems. They assume that more money equals a better lifestyle. While that may be true because more money gives you a little more security with being able to pay your bills, it’s not the most valuable asset you can have. Your time is!

     I never really paid attention to how valuable my time was until I started getting older. I used to think it was ok to just wing things, go with the flow, be spontaneous, or whatever term you want to use to describe it. When you’re young, you think you have all the time in the world. That older, more mature adulthood hits & makes your vision crystal clear. We all run out of time!

Chaos v/s Orderly 

Chaos is one of my triggers. In fact, it might be the main thing that sends my anxiety through the roof. I’m a planner. My priorities for each day, week, & month are decided in advance. I give myself enough time to cushion it in case anything runs over (at least most of the time I do). I think proactively all the time. My brain just works that way, & I can’t turn it off.

     Growing up (& still in the present), everything had its place. I put things back in the same place in the same manner so I’ll know exactly where it should be when I need it again. When I was younger, I’d set traps for my sisters. I could always tell if someone had been in my room by the way things may have been positioned. That attention to detail was on fleek! Now I don’t necessarily set traps anymore, but I do still have a place for everything.

     My clothes in the drawers are organized by type of clothing & occasion. My “leaving the house to be outside” shirts are in a separate drawer than my everyday t-shirts & workout gear. My socks are separated from my bras & panties in separate drawers. The pjs are in another drawer. And all of my sweats & tights fill 4 more drawers. Yes, I’m that girl that prefers to throw a hoodie on more than heels 🤷🏽‍♀️. My closet is organized that way too.

     My kitchen is organized similarly. Pots are in separate cabinets than pans, cooking utensils are stored away from regular silverware, cups & glasses are on a different shelf than mugs & tumblers, & bowls & plates have a cabinet to themselves. Even my spices have certain shelves they stay on according to the type of food that they’re usually put on.

     My other rooms aren’t as technically organized, but the important things each have a place of their own. I know where I set my keys every time I come in the house. My shoes are in the same place. The remotes have to be put back in certain spots on the couch. My bathroom is a tad unorganized since I share it with the husbae, but the basics go in the same spots. I’m a creature of routine, so if something isn’t where it’s supposed to be, it throws me all off. I just don’t like to waste time looking for things that can be in a certain spot that’s easy to remember.

Getting Triggered

I didn’t really come to terms & put a name on my anxiety until a few months ago. It seemed like everything & everyone around me had some dysfunction going on. Kids were kidding, bills were billsing, work was working my last nerve, life was LIFING! I’d get headaches & nauseous. I’d feel overwhelmed & get angry in the blink of an eye. My insomnia was heightened. I was a hot mess that needed to be alone the majority of the day. 

     Once I had a keep it real convo with myself & decided to do what I’ve been teaching clients to do for years, I made an appointment & started taking that magic little pill. I’m so much calmer than before, so much that my sisters call me Zenny. And boy can I tell when it’s about to wear off cuz baybay…the evil twin emerges. That’s my cue to head on to the shower & bed!

     Watching others around me move chaotically also triggers me, especially when their lack of planning or organization spills over into my orderly life. Sometimes I honestly want to sit back & tell people “I told you this was coming,” but I rarely do. They already know, so there’s no need to throw it in their faces. I used to swoop in & always help, & that would stress me out. Why stress when it’s not your problem? Your emergency isn’t mine!

The Art of Getting Organized

There are some important tips you can implement to make life move a little smoother. Check these things out that I came across:

  • Focus & prioritize the important things: Put a little more time & effort into achieving your long-term goals. Allot time to handle daily priorities. Find ways to stay motivated to achieve those things.
  • Make lists: I do this daily. I know when I’m feeling the most energized & motivated; early in the morning. Since I recognize that, I make sure to do those most important things or things I’m more likely to procrastinate on high up on my to-do list. Then I have a chance to pat myself on the back for tackling them. 
  • Time management: There are only 24 hours in a day, so you’re not going to get everything done all of the time. Yes, you can plan to handle your priorities, but don’t forget to schedule some chill time too. The last hour before bed is normally my chill time. I journal, meditate, & read or watch tv to wind down. And don’t forget to throw enough time to have sufficient sleep in there! 
  • Use calendars & planners: Another thing I advocate for. As you know, Intentional has planners for sale. I use mine to plan my budget, make my goals for the week & month, & put important tasks on my schedule. Between my written one & the calendar on my phone, I stay in line with what needs to be done. 
  • Get somebody else to do it: I struggle with the Superwoman Syndrome. I like things done certain ways, so most of the time I do them myself. I also like the reassurance that it’s actually done & done correctly. However, there’s no harm in asking for help when you have too much going on. 
  • Set boundaries for mail & calls: That DND automatically comes on every night at 9:30. I don’t play about my time to disconnect & decompress. There are only 4 people who can reach me after that without calling back to back. All others either know to do that, or they have husbae’s number to call if it’s a true emergency. Get rid of any mail you don’t need too. Who wants all that clutter?
  • Trash the unnecessary stuff & stay organized: If you haven’t used it in awhile, chances are you don’t need it anymore. Keep important papers in a file. Leave some space to put new things that you actually need. Plan your day ahead of time. You’ll have an idea what’s on your list of priorities the day before so you can mentally & physically prepare. 

We all have room to grow, so start by getting yourself more organized. Snag an Intentional Planner (available at https://intentionallyevolve.com/product-category/planners/). It’ll save you time & frustration in the long run…& you can’t get that time back!