
Mind Matters: Tips for Nurturing Your Mental Health 🧘🏽‍♀️

August is all about personal self-care, so we’re going to start with the most important part of your body: your mind. Nobody wants to be labeled, especially if it has a negative connotation. But taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Let’s discuss some tips that show that your mind matters. 🧠

Why Your Mind Matters 🤨

Discussions on mental health usually go one of two ways: taboo & a big secret or a hashtag people post in the moment. 🫣 It’s not the most comfortable topic to talk about simply because no one wants to “have something.” You’d think people who have mental health challenges are cursed or have a death sentence with the way some people discuss it. 

     Well, it’s far from a death sentence, especially when you’re able to find effective coping skills & put a firm crisis plan in place. It’s not all medication, therapy, & hospitals. There’s way more out here that can help people conquer their diagnosis. You just have to find good resources, explore what works best for you, & know that you’re far from being alone. 🤗

     When your mental is out of line, almost everything else in your life may feel like it’s falling a part. What you’re feeling can take a toll on how you feel physically. You can feel drained or sick. 🥴 You might feel extremely emotional, whether it’s positive or negative emotions. Your motivation may disappear. Focusing on a task may not come as easily. Darkness may seem to overtake your spirit. It’s like the walls feel like they’re crashing down. 

     So because mental health has such a major impact on the rest of your being, it’s imperative to take extra TLC for it. Happiness & stability start from within, & neither comes from another person. 🥰 You just have to explore what works best for you.

Show That Your Mind Matters 💝

Mindfulness 🧘🏽‍♀️ 

Anxiety & symptoms of PTSD can hit you hard. Whether your thoughts are about what’s to come or memories from the past, mindfulness helps to calm your mind & body. The practice is simply tapping into your senses & focusing on the present moment. Not a minute from now, not the minute before, but the very second right now. 🕰️

     You can practice mindfulness by meditating, doing deep breathing exercises, or taking note of what your 5 senses pick up around you. I usually practice it using my meditation app, Calm. It has all kinds of things on it such as guided meditations, soothing nature sounds, short stretch sessions, & stories. 🎧 It also has some tools to help you write out your feelings & set an alarm to disconnect & do deep breathing exercises. I definitely recommend it & don’t mind subscribing annually for it. Well worth the investment!

     If you don’t think you can sit & meditate for long (it does take a lot of practice & effort not to let your mind stray or fall asleep), tapping into your senses helps you stay present. Use the 5-4-3-2-1 rule:

  • 5 things you see 👀
  • 4 things you can touch🤚🏾
  • 3 things you can hear 👂🏽
  • 2 things you can smell 👃🏽
  • 1 thing you can taste 👅 

This technique keeps you grounded in the present & allows you to express gratitude for the things in your surroundings. And gratitude is our next tip for nurturing your mental health & making sure your mind matters.

Gratitude 🎁

It’s so easy to focus on the negative & what we don’t have. I’m so guilty of thinking about the worst case scenario in almost every situation. It’s a bad habit I picked up from experiencing a lot of hurt. Call it a protective device, but it’s no longer necessary when you change your viewpoint of things. 💭

     As I’ve invested more into my spiritual self-care, I’ve learned to look at the bright side of things more often. That’s the reason all Intentional Journals have daily sections for expressing gratitude. 🙏🏽 Whether my day was great or horrible, I push myself to find at least 1 thing I’m grateful for every day. Expressing gratitude improves your mood & sleep & lessens depression & anxiety. And you’ll be a lot more positive when you begin to think of the glass being half full instead of half empty. 

Sleep 😴 

We all need sleep. There’s not a person who can survive without it. Your mind & body need to rest, or you’ll end up crashing & burning. Rock bottom is inevitable without it. 🪨

     I’m one of those weird people who can function without a lot of sleep. I usually get around 6 hours each night & can go through the day with no issues of being tired. During those nights I have insomnia, I may get 2-4 hours of sleep & still can manage to stay up all day. I’ve even stayed up over 24 hours when I pick up night shifts because I can’t sleep during the day. 😳 Even then, I might nap for 3 hours when I get off & need a sleep mask to pull that off. My body just says “no” to resting too much.

     Not everyone can go like I do though. It’s recommended that you get around 8 hours of sleep each night, but I don’t remember the last time I slept that long. 🛌 Shoot, I was up past midnight last night despite having anesthesia earlier in the day. But I am working on getting a little more rest. 

     This is where my nighttime routine comes in. I started it in January, & it helps me to wind down most nights. I read a few chapters of The Bible, set my intentions & affirmation for the next day, put my Intentional Journal & Planner to good use,  take a hot shower, meditate, & do a yoga session. I give myself a good hour to 90 minutes to wind down before bed. It helps to turn your mind off. 🥱

Healthy Lifestyle Essentials 🏋🏽‍♀️🥗

Even without it helping with mental health, exercise & a healthy diet are good for your body. I struggle with doing both consistently. It’s been easier for me to start exercising & maintain a 3 day schedule this year though. 🗓️ Surprisingly I haven’t tapped out. I’m determined to get rid of this belly though, so I’ve been pretty consistent so far.

     Now the healthy eating is another story. I’m a foodie; what can I say? 🤷🏽‍♀️ There’s just too much goodness out here for me to avoid temptation a lot of the time. I can eat healthy things about half of the week, but completely changing my diet isn’t happening. I have to have bread & occasional sweets, not negotiable. Don’t they say “treat yourself, don’t cheat yourself?”

     Making sure your body is healthy gives you an outlet for stress, helps you live longer, & boosts your immune system. If your body feels good, it’s easier for your mind to feel good as well, & vice verse. And you don’t even have to spend money getting yourself together. Exercise is free; you don’t have to join a gym to get in shape. Use some cans or water bottles for dumbbells & your kid to bench press. 😜 Get creative & make it fun. Once you find something you enjoy, stick to it. 

Build Your Tribe 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒

God didn’t create us to be alone, so there’s no reason you have to do life solo. That doesn’t mean you have to necessarily find a mate; not everybody wants one. You do, however, need to build a source of support. 💪🏽

     You know how they say “check on your strong friends?” You might just so happen to be the strong one, so you need to make sure you have reciprocal relationships. 🔂 Just say “no” to one-sided relationships. I don’t mean you have to always get something in return, but at least find comfort in knowing if you need something your people will swoop in to help save the day. 🦸🏽‍♀️

     My strongest circle is my family: husband, sisters, parents. The hold-me-down game is STRONG, especially with husbae & #DemMilesGuhls. Whether I’m sick & need someone to be the captain of the ship for a bit, or I’m blackout livid & about to go to jail, one of those 4 is gonna make me rest & save me from myself. I’ve had a good many “go sit down somewhere, lady” & “it ain’t worth it but be can ride at dawn” convos that have kept me together when I’m not at 100%. ☝🏽I have to commend them for being able to wrangle me in because it’s not an easy task. 

     My homegirl crews have also held me down on a social level, meaning they’re not blood or marriage related but they’re family. When I can cry around someone, whether it’s happy, sad, or angry tears, you’ve been inducted into my family. 🥹 They’re the only ones who know there’s a softer side to Meia. 

And they know that if they need me, I’m 1 way on 2 wheels as soon as they call. I can confidently say the favor will be returned without keeping score on who’s done the most for the other. 

     Having a social circle helps keep you stable. Getting out of the house every now & then does your mind good. Having someone to talk to, even when it’s the most random conversation ever, can brighten your mood. 🗣️ Just having someone who’ll listen gives you reassurance that there is someone who cares. 

Self-Care 💆🏽‍♀️

All of the above is self-care, but we all have things we do that warm our souls & help us to reset. Being a self-care advocate, I strongly urge people to spend time doing things they love & that relax them. The majority of us live busy lives, but we have to prioritize our self-care like we prioritize working. 💯

     I like to have a variety of self-care methods so things don’t feel so monotonous. My most frequently used one is reading. 📚 I love love love to read almost anything. Sitting with a book & disconnecting for a few minutes is so relaxing for me. And unless I don’t have my phone, I always have a book around. The Kindle app is my friend. 

     The self-care tactic I love the most is vacationing. 🏖️ PTO exists for a reason: to use it for time away from work. Although I’m pretty much a workaholic (I probably have called out 3-4 days in 8 years), I still value my time away. I try to take a break every quarter to get away & regroup. It doesn’t have to be anywhere major either. Staycations work just as well. Anything that I can do to step away from working life is effective self-care.

     Some other forms of self- care I use are:

  • Goal-setting & prioritizing: 🥅 I learned from a podcast to set no more than 3 goals daily. If they get done, fine; & if they don’t, fine. It takes some of the pressure off of me to get things done without wiggle room. Not to mention, between my Intentional Journal & Planner, I can plan long term & short term goals & map out my plans of action in one place.
  • Cut yourself some slack: ✂️ We all have feelings; we’re human, so don’t knock yourself when you’re experiencing what you feel is a negative emotion. Acknowledge your feelings, accept them, & make moves to get away from anything you may feel is holding you back. 

Reinforce That Your Mind Matters 😍

Your mind is the part of your body that controls everything: movements, thoughts, feelings, etc. You can’t neglect it just because it’s not something you see. It deserves TLC just as much as the rest of your being. Do something daily to prioritize your mental health. Whether it’s a 1 minute deep breathing session or a day of doing nothing, make sure your mind matters! 😊💕

For help with mental health, visit


For ideas to prioritize your mental health, check out



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