
Me, Myself, & I: Single Doesn’t Equal Lonely 

Where’re my singles? Society puts so much pressure on people to be boxed in with these cookie cutter details: get married, have kids, work hard, buy a house, be physically fit with a big butt, etc etc etc. Not everyone is going to fit into that stereotypical box, & honestly most people don’t want to. 

     For a long time, I was content with & preferred to stay single. I just wanted one more kid so my son could have a sibling, but I didn’t want to share my space, money, or life with anyone outside of my kids. Half of the reason was a protective move so I wouldn’t risk getting hurt, & the other half was due to me not finding what I was looking for & not wanting to settle. Thank God I was sent what I wanted & needed, but had I not been chosen by him, I’d probably still be single.

     Being single is far from the end of the world though! There’s a whole other world that single people get to experience; one that involves not having to answer to or be obligated to anyone. You have the ability to pick up & go whenever & whenever you please…as long as you plan a little (insert shameless plug for the Intentional Planner, available at That freedom is something I can’t wait to partially experience in 12 years when the youngest is grown! That freedom also allows singles to work self-care in in any way they please. So what are singles doing for self-care?

     Single doesn’t equal lonely, so singles can do some self-care with friends. Getting together for a night out with the girls or guys can give you time to let your hair down. Group yoga & workout sessions can be fun while getting your body right. Traveling, especially solo traveling, can allow singles to relax, experience adventures, & meet new people around the world. Because they don’t have to make sure someone else in the home is taken care of, singles can schedule & go…or be spontaneous as all hell!

     Singles also get the benefit of much-needed alone time without requesting it. Alone time gives people time to reflect on things, meditate, & really soul search. Those quiet times alone breed inner peace. It can be time to goal-plan & check your progress. There’s nothing like a day of self-reflection & figuring out your next move!

     Being single may not be what everyone wants, but it’s definitely not the end of the world! With millions of people in this world, it’s almost impossible to be alone or lonely! There’s always someone for you, whether it’s romantically or platonically. 

   So my single Evolvers, embrace your status! Your freedom & single status means just as much as someone else’s boo’d up status! After all, status doesn’t define you; it’s just a small characteristic of who you are! Here are some interesting reads about balancing your self-care routine as a single: