
Kick Off 2024 With Clarity: Put Your Vision Board into Action

Babyyyyyyyy…2024 already has me on overload!!! First of all, let me apologize for the tardiness of this post. Y’all know tardiness is one of my pet peeves, so this one grinded my gears last night. I honestly forgot it was Thursday until I finished creating the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge Group on Facebook & saw the scheduled reel. The 🤔 face was on, & then this 💡when I figured out what the post meant. The struggle was REAL!

     I’m going to turn this thing around right now though! I was just too deep in focus mode to realize I had another obligation outside of my plans for the day. Guess I need to set a reminder for that too 😳. And on that note, let me fill you in on my vision for 2024…

The Starting Line: The Vision

Vacation has me all over the place! On one hand, I’m super relaxed. I needed that break so badly. Before my trip, I was stressed out. There wasn’t much that wasn’t plucking my nerves. Appointments were all over my planner, finances were flying out of my account like Usain Bolt, the chirren (yes chirren, not children) were on Team Tew Murch, & work…let’s just say I had to mentally check out well before vacation started to avoid being unemployed to start the new year. Life was lifing, you hear me?!

     Needless to say, when 4:30 hit on the 28th, I couldn’t set that out-of-office auto reply quick enough. I was RET TA GO! I hadn’t even packed by that time, & we were due to leave the next morning. On top of that, I’d promised the lil girl we’d go to Winterfest at Carowinds since it would be closed when I returned from our anniversary trip. I threw clothes in the bag for myself, packed hers, & went on to the amusement park with 3 kids. It was Antarctica out there, but she enjoyed herself so me freezing was worth it. 

     Friday morning, we dropped her & the dog off at my sister’s house (bless you, MK) & hit the road for our first stop: a massage & facial in Asheville. Every year we claim we’re going to get more frequent massages, but the last one we had was a year before. With all the mental & physical stress on our bodies, massages definitely help me with easing the tension. I can actually feel the knots being rubbed out of my shoulders, solidifying even more that ya girl is stressed!

     Appalachian Beer Spa & Massage Lounge is a whole vibe! Let me tell you: last year we discovered this gem on our anniversary trip to Asheville. We played it low key since we’d just spent a grip in 2021 for our vow renewal. I had no idea what to expect, but everything was relaxing. It smelled good, the lighting was perfect, the therapists had magic hands, & the whole experience was relaxing. Not to mention, they had snacks & wine galore…SOLD! Check them out: & thank me later. The less than 2 hour drive from Charlotte is well worth it!

     This year, there was nothing different. We enjoyed the experience from start to finish & left there relaxed & ready for the second half of our trek to Gatlinburg. The drive was just as relaxing, strictly based off the views. I go into chill mode when I see mountains or beaches automatically. Just being there & observing is enough to put on my to-do list when I’m in either of those places. 

     Gatlinburg with husbae was great as well. We didn’t do much beyond eat (yes God 🤤😋), which is the norm for us. Feed me, & I’m good! We did have a few adventures at the Alcatraz Crime Museum & the Island, but overall it was a perfect & relaxing time that we both needed desperately. Me + husbae – them chirren = a good time every time!

From top to bottom: Jeffrey Dahmer’s prison glasses; A crime scene; A bag from Selena’s boutique & Propofol that killed my all-time fav Michael Jackson; O.J. Simpson’s getaway Bronco

Because I was so relaxed & had no clue what day of the week it was since I wasn’t working, I didn’t get my normal pre-new year tasks completed entirely. I usually have my goals, affirmations, & Intentional content for the year done by January 1st. I had my goals & affirmations done, but that content calendar was the last thing I was thinking about…until the new year opened its eyes. Then I felt like I was behind & slacking, so I knocked that out on the ride back home on Tuesday & prepared to start my new morning & night routines. 

     I want to maximize my quiet time in the morning & wind down time in the evening, so I’ve changed up my flow. I’m getting up 45 minutes earlier to do my normal devotional reading, but I added the following:

  • Meditating for 5 minutes 🧎🏽‍♀️
  • Doing a quick morning yoga stretch 🧘🏽‍♀️
  • Reading my affirmations & goals for the day 📋 (I have 1 specific affirmation & my plan A {priorities} & plan B {get to them if I get to them} tasks written on a white board beside my bed)
  • Drinking 8 oz of water & my coffee 🚰☕️
  • No emails, calls, or texts before I finish all of the above 🙅🏽‍♀️ 

So far, it’s been going well. I slept in every day except today though. I needed the rest & to enjoy the last of my vacation. This morning, I woke up at 4:30 & was sleepy AF at first. Once I got through about 30 minutes of my routine, I was good to go.

     I started my nighttime routine on Tuesday, & it’s helped me settle down for the evening. At 8:30, my phone goes into Focus mode so I can do the following uninterrupted:

  • Shower in silence 🧼
  • Do a wind down yoga session 🧘🏽‍♀️
  • Drink a relaxing tea 🫖
  • Journal 📝
  • Meditate 🧎🏽‍♀️
  • Plan my day for tomorrow ✅
  • Read a chapter of the Bible 😇
  • Pray 🙏🏽

     For whatever reason, people want to get their last minute communication in with me after 8:30, so I made sure that hour is my hour. Just like before, DND comes on my phone at 9:30, & I either watch TV or read until 10pm LATEST. I set limits on my apps too so after 9:30, there’s no social media, texts, calls, emails, or games. My max for each of those is no more than 6 hours daily, regardless of whether it’s for work or mindless scrolling. Who would’ve known how much the new routine would help.

After the Starting Shot Was Fired: The Action Behind the Vision

Thus far, despite forgetting about the weekly blog & not prepping before the new year technically started, 2024 is going well. I have yet to complete my Vision Board in my Intentional Planner, but I have a sense of what I want to do. My goals are in my Notes app, so I need to transfer them into the planner. My budget is also in my phone, so that needs to be written down as well. Seeing things written helps me to stay on top of them. 

      Some of the things I envision for 2024 are:

  • Touching more lives, getting the word out more about the importance of self-care & prioritizing yourself, & creating & selling more self-care products (I have 2 new journal ideas that have been requested by customers 📔)
  • Stacking more money & paying off some debt 💰 (I’ll need to start saying “no” way more often to those who need financial assistance. Sorry in advance!)
  • Scheduling more time with the people I love most (Did I hear “trips” ✈️🏖️🏞️& “dates” 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾 in the future??? YEP!!!)
  • Being healthier mentally 💬, physically 🏋🏽‍♀️, emotionally 🤪, professionally 👩🏽‍💼, spiritually 🧎🏽‍♀️, & financially 🤑 (all of my goals tie into something in each of these categories)

     This weekend, I plan to finish up a few things so I can get on track to making my vision a reality. I need to transpose my budget, goals, & vision into my Intentional Planner (available at Seeing is believing, & one of my affirmations is “what I write down happens in my life.” On top of that, I need to hold myself accountable by praising my small victories & not sweating the mishaps. Speak it, write it, do it all 2024 long!

     I need to set my plan of action for each goal for the week & through the end of January. Target dates & deadlines are essential to making progress. Break it down into smaller steps & pat yourself on the back with each step you take. I tend to work better under pressure, so I probably need to give myself less time to do the important things I need to get completed. Most of my goals for this month surround Intentional, so I need to stay as focused as I’ve been the last 2 days. 

     Additionally, I need to set my boundaries & stick to them. The Pisces in me is a natural people pleaser, but people pleasing puts Meia in second place…& that ain’t gonna work. I have to practice what I preach, so if I’m going to urge y’all to prioritize yourselves, I need to do the same. And please feel free to hold my feet to the fire because I’m notorious for getting off task due to having too many ideas flying through my brain at one time. 

     Mrs. Enabler 2023 is passing her crown to those she’s enabled in the past. Because I stay in grind mode & get bored when I’m not busy or challenged, I’ve become a crutch to many. I keep up with my whole family’s appointments (including an aunt I’m the payee for). I plan all of the vacations for friends & family. I overextend myself at my full-time job because I was raised to have a good work ethic & can’t do anything subpar. Annnnnnnd I’ve been a lender of far too much money that never seems to return to my account. In essence, I 👏🏽 NEED 👏🏽 TO 👏🏽 STOP👏🏽! I choose me first in 2024!

Little Gems I’ve Learned Thus Far: Tools to Achieve the Vision

Between the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge, the Calm app, & a new book I started, I’ve picked up some nice lil gems over the last 5 days. The challenge has pushed me to plan & set intentions. I’ve been so laser-focused the last 2 days that I’ve forgotten about the little things (like this blog) temporarily. I’ve enjoyed seeing others’ goals, affirmations, calming music choices, & cleaning schedules. They’ve given me some ideas on how to handle things in the future for myself too. 

     The Calm app has a series going on called “7 Days of Growth” that I started listening to on Monday. Jay Shetty will get you right & has a nice view of things from a different perspective. Here are a few things he’s pointed out:

  • Set intentions instead of resolutions: Intentions are more compassionate because they don’t tie us to an outcome, while goals set us up for no wiggle room. Intentions allow us to fail without it being the end of the world, while we might beat ourselves up over not achieving a goal.
  • Begin again & release: Every moment is finite; it cannot be taken back. Look at the next moment as a new moment. It’s ok to start something again without feeling guilty or defeated. Like Aaliyah said, “if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off & try again.”
  • Focus on what you want to create instead of what you want to fix: We’re reframing our thoughts in 2024 to be more positive. Uplifting yourself goes way farther than tearing yourself down. Look ahead for what’s to come instead of behind at what occurred.

     The new book I started is called “A Life Well Lived.” I came across it on Instagram a few weeks ago & liked the concept. Basically, there are 12 chapters, & you read one per month. Then you take the remainder of the month to implement the habit. Chapter 1 is about shifting your focus to be more positive. You can’t live in the past if you want to move forward. You have to deal with what occurred & move on. The book is available at It might surprise you who the author is, but I love her work! I’ve read them all 💪🏽. 

     We all have baggage, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. However, we don’t have to be bag ladies/men! Lighten that load so you can pick up some newer, better, & lighter things along the way. Start by getting into this 31 Day Self-Care Challenge. It’ll help you start different, healthier habits for the new year. If you haven’t gotten your copy, here’s my gift to you: 

     I also created a Facebook Group for participants of the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge. I see everyone’s proof of completing the tasks daily, & there has been some good stuff that I’ve seen. Why not share the wealth with each other, gain some new connections, & get a cheering squad that holds you accountable all for free? Feel free to invite whomever you want to join. It’s never too late to catch up on the tasks. Join it :

     I’m speaking it into existence for all of us: we’re crushing all goals & elevating our entire being in 2024. Annnnnnd it’s new year, new me! It’s Uber cliche, but IDC IDC IDC (in 2023 I would’ve said “IDGAF” but see how that new year, new me thing worked 😉😂)! Let’s get it! 🍾🎉👏🏽

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