
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow; You Just Have to Let the Universe Do What It Does

What a difference a week makes! If you’d told me there would be brighter days last week, I probably would have looked at you like you had 3 heads. It was a rough & trying week, for sure! By the time I reached Thursday, I was down bad. I’m talking mentally, physically, & emotionally on E.

     Little did I know, the sun was peeking through those stormy clouds & ready to reclaim its throne. Taking time for a little more self-care does a body good. Man oh man, did I feel like a new creature in Christ once Friday hit! Come with me to spin the block…

How It Started: Ain’t No Sunshine…

I wanted nothing except my bed when I got off work Wednesday afternoon. I was exhausted from running all week, working, & having broken sleep. I messed up my back, so I was popping pain pills & slathering myself with Icy Hot every couple of hours. Had me walking around like a stick figure. Add stress on top of that, & the picture was pretty drab. I didn’t want to talk to anyone or leave the house for fear of going off on someone. I knew it was time to rest & reset.

     Thankfully, I was off last Thursday so I knew I could regroup. I had a nice relaxing day, so much that I forgot about writing the blog until the last minute. I ran some more on Friday, but come nightfall, I was at a self-care workshop as a vendor. When I say that thang was right on time!!! Babyyyyy, between the different parts of the workshop & meeting some pretty dope people, I went home feeling great. That high continued throughout the weekend, & I felt prepared to get back into my routine Monday. 

How It’s Going: Sun Shining Bright

Even though this week has been aggravating & busy at times, overall I’m in a decent mood. Little things pluck my nerves, but that’s normal. I’m reading a book called “Go Be Her,” & it has reset my mind to be in a more positive place. The book has a down-to-earth narrative, a short reflective assignment, & an affirmation to meditate on for each section. Although the author suggests flipping to a random page daily, I’m reading the ebook, so I’m going in order. 

     Everything I’ve read so far has been enlightening. They’ve resonated with me so much that I started writing the titles & affirmations down. They’ll be great to refer back to when I feel the need after I finish the book. One section was called “If Every Thought is a Seed, What Are You Planting?” I found myself checking my thoughts & thinking a little more consciously about whatever negative thoughts were crossing my mind. Negative thoughts have a way of changing your whole vibe. You feel pissy, & they can even make you physically feel like crap. I’ve been trying to remember that every time something not so pleasant occurs. 

     The section that stood out the most so far was titled “What if You Started Seeing Rejection as Your Guide.” It spoke to my soul, especially because so many negative things happened last week. It was right on time! Many times, we see rejection as being something taken away from us, something we’re missing out on. In all actuality, rejection might just be God’s (or the universe’s if that’s what you believe in) way of making you dodge a bullet. There’s a reason for everything that happens, & most times it’s for the best. 

     If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of the book by Rebbecca Olutoyin Bakre, it’s available online at Walmart & Barnes & Noble. Here are the links:



It’s definitely a good & easy read that can help get your mind right regardless of what mood you’re in. It’ll make you think a little deeper about yourself than what you’d usually do. It adds a little positivity at the start of your day. I definitely recommend it!

Where I’m Going Now: I’m Walking on Sunshine

I’m looking forward to the future! I understand things will happen. We don’t control anything that happens to us. However, we can contribute to how things work out to a certain degree, aka don’t touch the stove when you already know it’s hot. Revamping your frame of mind & way of thinking can push those clouds out of the picture more often. Couple that with some good self-care practices, & you have a strong foundation for being a more positive person.  

     I’ve boosted up my self-care routine some. The 31 Day Self-Care Challenge helped me be more intentional & accountable. I’ve been doing yoga every night for fitness & relaxation. Husbae has even joined in. I’ve changed my meditation from before in bed at the end of the day to meditating in the shower. And of course journaling in my Intentional Journal helps me wrap up the day. 

     I have a diffuser on my desk that I put different essential oils in to set the tone for the day. I also picked up a little tool from the self-care event I attended last week: a Pocket Peace Garden. It’s pretty dope! It’s basically a box of sand with lavender & pretty rocks that I can use to take a break & disconnect from the monotony of work. I can take a few minutes to crack it open & play in dirt literally. 

     These coping skills aren’t cure-alls, but they do work. Now, I still pop off sometimes throughout the day, but it’s for shorter stints. I’m still a work in progress, but I’m going to be more conscious about working at it. I can vent to my people & go on about my business instead of remaining fixated on the matter & stressing myself even more. Better me, period pooh!

     As we prepare to wrap 2023 up in a few short weeks, let’s all commit to changing in more positive ways, starting with our minds. Who knows, it might make 2024 YOUR YEAR! Be blessed, my Evolvers!

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