
Write Yourself into the Serenity Zone

Where are my journal lovers? I’ve been journaling for over a decade, & I’ve bought almost every kind of journal published. With each one, I’ve found something else I liked about it, but I could never find the same one twice. This became the reason I started Intentional, in addition to spreading the word on the importance of self-care.

What Kind is Best for You?

     Journals come in all types of forms, each having its unique way of expressing yourself. There are kinds you can write freely in, answer a thoughtful question, write a sentence, drawing, make lists, & a combination of all of the above. You can document your day like a diary or keep track of your food or travels. Check these types of journals out:

  • Reflective: These journals serve to help you reflect on life, process emotions & experiences, & get to know yourself better. This is the main kind I use so I can just write whatever I please. They’re great to go back & read later to see your growth. 
  • Daily: This type is kind of like reflective journals, but you use them every day. It’s pretty much a diary. I use my reflective journal this way. I serves as a memoir. 
  • Art: These journals help with creativity. They give creatives a way of drawing out life in any way they please. Sadly, my artistic abilities won’t let me benefit from this type, but I think it’s dope!
  • Visual: Like art journals, these can be used to doodle whatever is on your mind daily. It can be used throughout the day to express yourself in a unique way.
  • Stream of consciousness: This type allows you to write whatever comes to mind. You don’t need an agenda; you just write what comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make sense.
  • Bullet: Consisting of dot grids instead of blank pages or lines, these journals are great for accomplishing tasks. They’re a good place to make lists & watch your progress.
  • Gratitude: These speak for themselves. There’s nothing like keeping track of all of the things you’re grateful for. They serve as reminders that we have more to be thankful for than not. I usually list one thing each night, regardless of how hard I have to think of something.
  • Travel: You can do so much with these journals. From drawing & writing to making picture collages & adding mementos, this is a great keepsake.
  • Nature: This one pushes you to get outside & enjoy your surroundings. Whether you walk, ride, or sit to observe, these journals give you a way to appreciate & document the beauty around you.
  • Food: These can be used to document what you eat for any purpose. If you’re on a mission to lose weight, you can use these. They can also be used to document food experiences & new recipes.

     Regardless of the type, journals allow you to express yourself in your own way & without being judged. I tell you what, journals have saved my sanity on many days! I’m one of those people who holds things inside, lets them build up, & then they explode all over something &/or someone. It has served as a great coping skill that allows me to express myself freely without someone looking at me crazy. Today will definitely be one of those “leave it all on paper” days because babyyyyyyy, I’m maxed out on stress this evening!

Am I Gaining Something from Journaling?

     I use my journal to express myself, destress, count my blessings, & track my life journey. My experience with journaling won’t be the same as anyone else’s, but here are some proven benefits of journaling:

  • Reduces stress & anxiety
  • Boosts health & wellbeing by lowering blood pressure & improving your mood
  • Improves your memory
  • Helps you figure out your next move, track your progress, & achieve goals 
  • Gives you practice on writing & communication skills 
  • Lets you process your emotions & get rid of negative thoughts
  • Aids in inspiration, self-confidence, & discovering yourself  

     Regardless of how you use your journal, make sure it brings something positive into your life. If it’s not enjoyable & beneficial, you won’t feel like doing it. There are nights that I’m exhausted, but I’ll write one line just to get something off my chest & make sure I put some gratitude on paper. My journal even goes with me on vacation! I don’t want to miss a moment!

Wanna Join the Journal Community? Here’s How…

     Journaling takes more than just buying a notebook. You have to know what works best for you & what your purpose is for journaling. Intentional has journals that can help you get started. We have space for free-writing, answering prompts every few days, tracking goals & lessons, & expressing gratitude. Pick one up on our store tab (available at https://intentionallyevolve.com/product-category/journals/).

     Once you get one, you may need some guidance on getting started. Here are some tips to begin:

  • Explore different types of journals to know what works for you.
  • Remember it’s a judgment-free zone  for your eyes only, so write whatever you please. 
  • Don’t overdo your goals for journaling. Keep it simple!
  • Set aside 5-10 minutes daily to journal. The beginning or end of the day may work best.
  • Journal about anything that comes to mind. It’s your space to do your thing.
  • Use prompts when you’re drawing a blank.
  • Get creative. You have a blank canvas to create a masterpiece.

     Intentional is a journal advocate! There’s no doubt about the passion felt about this self-care activity. Check out these links to learn more, & let us know what kind of journals you prefer!





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