
Give Me a New Me: Detoxing the Right Way!

My goodness, what this year has done to my physical health! This time last year, I was in full-blown fitness mode: eating right, drinking lots of water, exercising 3-4 times a week, & doing yoga every night before bed. I hit my goal to look good in my vow renewal dress & fell off the wagon & down the hill as soon as the ceremony was over! Now that I reflect on being noncompliant for a year, I know it’s time to put the gym equipment back to use & get a good detox in!

     I’ve been wanting to get myself back on track, & reality hit on Tuesday when I tried to get into this jumpsuit & it wouldn’t go past my thighs. No amount of hopping moved it, & I was so disappointed! So this week’s research is helping me to figure out what this game plan is going to be. I’m giving myself until I return from vacation on the 2nd to eat like a maniac, then it’s on! 

     Doing a body detox can be beneficial on many levels. It can rid your body of toxins on the inside & outside, make you feel better, & give your skin a nice glow. But it’s best to not detox using the fad diets we see all over the internet. There’s no proven data on them really helping you get rid of toxins or the resulting weight loss being long-term. They also rarely identify which toxins they help your body to eliminate. They’re usually just a temporary fix that may help you get into that outfit for an event you want to look good for. We need longevity though!

Healthy Detoxing

     A healthier & more sustainable way to detox is through several natural processes. There are so many natural things we can incorporate into our diets & lifestyles that can assist with getting rid of the bad stuff in our bodies. Add the following together, & you may have a recipe for long-term success:

  • Water Intake

If it’s anything your body needs to function, it’s water. It keeps your organs working, your body hydrated, & flushes toxins out. The recommended about of daily water intake is 64 oz, but if you’re working out, you need to add another 16 oz to it. Make sure the water is filtered & room temperature, & drink it in intervals. My water bottle has 2-hour intervals on it to remind me to drink 8 oz every 2 hours to stay hydrated. It works & keeps me motivated when I use it.

There are mixed feelings about drinking during meals. While drinking during meals can help with the digestive process & help to lessen the amount you eat, it can also increase bloating. Just make it a healthy balance to be on the safe side.

  • Exercising 

We all know how beneficial working out is. You have more energy, burn more calories, & have a better mood. Sweat aids with releasing toxins through your pores. High-intensity workouts, jogging, & running are great ways to get in a good sweat, but you can also do a hot yoga or sauna session.

With all of the gym equipment at my house, I have no excuse to give about not wanting to go to the gym. It’s probably 20-30 steps from the back porch. And now that we have a dog, walking him can allow me to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

  • Eating healthy

This is the biggest struggle for me! I’m a bonafide foodie, so I’m in heaven when someone mentions food. I’m one of those who dances at the table when the food is good🤤. A healthy diet is essential to having a healthy body, but there are certain things we can eat or limit to help the detox process. Here are some do’s & don’t’s:

Eat more anti-inflammatory foods such as tomatoes; olive oil; green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, & collards; nuts such as almonds & walnuts; fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, & sardines; blueberries; strawberries; cherries; & orangesDrink too much alcohol. It interferes with your liver function, which aids in detoxing your body
Take a break from animal proteins, alcohol, sugar, wheat, corn, soy, & processed foods every couple of weeksEat too much sugar or processed food. They’re linked to obesity & other chronic diseases that interfere with vital organs that detoxify your body
Eat food that is high in fiber, especially fruits & vegetablesEat too much salt. It causes your body to retain excess fluid & leads to bloating
Eat high prebiotic foods such as tomatoes, artichokes, bananas, asparagus, onions, garlic, & oats
Add foods that have a lot of potassium in them, which helps with decreasing bloating & excess fluid. They include  potatoes, squash, kidney beans, bananas, & spinach
Keep onions, broccoli, garlic, cilantro, & eggs on the menu. They assist with ridding the body of heavy metals & other toxins 
  • Add some key nutrients

Some nutrients can help add an extra layer of protection on your organs & boost your body’s detox process. Green tea extract & ellagic acid help protect cells from damage. Silymarin & watercress help promote a healthy liver. A multivitamin can help with supporting overall health, & activated charcoal helps with absorbing & eliminating toxins.

  • Sleep

We all need sleep, but quality sleep can take your body to a new level. Not only does it give your body time to detox itself from toxins you’ve encountered throughout the day, but it also gives your brain time to reorganize & recharge. 

My sleep has been horrible lately, between being a puppy mom & constantly running around. I’m going to get better in the next couple of weeks though while the kids are on winter break. At least I won’t have to get up early on Fridays!

  • Skincare 

Who knew taking care of your skin would help with detoxing? Dry brushing unclogs pores, increases blood circulation, & promotes lymph flow & drainage. Unclogging pores makes it easier to sweat, hence eliminating toxins. I’ve heard good things about dry brushing, so I’m going to add it to my weekly skincare routine.

Natural skincare products also help to alleviate toxins in your body by reducing your exposure to chemicals. Check out some of them in the stores. You may come across something that you like.

  • Cleaning products

Switch up your cleaning routine by substituting vinegar & baking soda for some of your chemical cleaning products. They can reduce your exposure to potentially toxic chemicals. Not to mention, they’re cheaper!

     If we’re going to tap into fads, they might as well be some that are good for you…with proven results. I feel like so many people make a New Year’s resolution to get healthier. I do it almost every year. Now that my health may be negatively impacted by some of my choices, I know I need to make some changes. My pockets might get a little heavier too if I don’t have to buy a new wardrobe since I’ve gained so much weight. 

     January 3rd, I’m going to get my life in order. I want more energy, to fit my clothes again, & to look cute for my vacation in March. Who’s with me? Check out some of the links below to see what you can incorporate into your life to detox your body!


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