All 6 versions of Intentional Adult Journals

The Hunger for Being Aspiring Can Be Inspiring: How Intentional Products Are Starting a Wave 💭

Being a creative is a gift & a curse. 🎁🤬 On one hand, my brain never turns off so I can come up with almost anything quickly. That hunger for being aspiring can be inspiring. There’s a constant urge to make stuff happen so it sparks a flame in someone else.

     On the other, my brain never turns off…PERIOD. 🧠🤷🏽‍♀️ When I say it never turns off, I mean it literally. I can wake up out of my sleep with an idea that I’ll jot down in my Notes app so I don’t forget it. That definitely doesn’t mesh well with trying to get some rest. 

     In the case of my journey with Intentional, my on-the-go brain has done more positive than not. I have so many ideas that I want to execute with this company; I just need to find the time to put some plans in place. ⌚️For right now though, let me show you how the hunger for being aspiring can be inspiring…

Where the Hunger for Being Aspiring Emerged 🎬

I’ve always had the hunger for more. It’s embedded in me. When you come from a military family, you tend to think & move differently. You’re ready to grind, ready to be great, ready to be the leader of the pack. 🐺

     Not only that, you end up thinking in ways that many people might think is weird or extreme. Where one person may prepare for a potential storm by getting some candles & nonperishables, I’m somewhere thinking of the escape route, packing just-in-case bags, & visualizing how to react if the house is destroyed. I’m at the most extreme scenario because I’d rather be prepared for the worst than not. 💯

The Intentional Adult Journal

When I decided to start a business, I knew I had to go hard. I aspired to spread a positive message: the importance of prioritizing your self-care. 🥇A major part of my self-care & dealing with all that life has thrown my way is journaling. That’s why the first product was the Intentional Journal.

     If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know I say “journaling saved my life,” & I mean it. That might be the most effective coping skill I have. When I put pen to paper, it all comes out. 📝 Some of my darkest days have been recorded in old notebooks, but I’d frequently have to buy new ones & none of them had everything I wanted in them. The solution: let me put this overactive brain to work & create one that fit the bill.

The Intentional Adult Planner

With the overactive brain comes an overactive life…which means I have to keep my life in formation. Just like journals, I love a good planner to help me stay organized. I mean, you have to make time for self-care, & what better way to do that than to schedule it & hold yourself accountable? 🤔

     Between a full-time job, a steady-on-the-grind husband, ridiculously social & active kids, & all the other parts of mi vida loca, I need several tools to make sure I check all the boxes & am where I’m supposed to be when I’m supposed to be. The result: the Intentional Adult Planner, equipped with my arsenal of organizational tools. 📆

Soulful Serenity

Getting in touch with my spiritual side on a deeper level was one of my 2024 goals. The older I’ve gotten & the more I’ve seen & experienced, the closer I think I need to get to God. 🧎🏽‍♀️‍➡️This world is a hot & heavy mess, & it’s definitely not getting any better, so you’ve got to get right with the Big Man!

     In addition, one of my business friends asked if I had spiritual journals & planners when I first started out. I didn’t but ironically that was something on my brainstorm list from when I was first starting out. What better time to create one than this year while I’m on my spiritual journey? 

     Creating Soulful Serenity wasn’t the challenge. Since I’d already created the Intentional Journal, I had the basics done: the format just needed to be tweaked for it to mesh with my vision. Choosing the backgrounds & covers went pretty quickly, but gathering scriptures took some work. 🙌🏽 I didn’t want random ones, so I broke them into themes & went from there. This may have been the fastest product I’ve made, & it came out beautiful! 

Evolving From Being Aspiring to Inspiring 🙌🏽

When I started Intentional, I knew what I wanted out of it. I mean, everyone wants the money that’s generated, but I had something more in mind. I wanted to make sure people know exactly how important prioritizing self-care & mental health are. The taboo mess can go out the window; we need awareness! 💯

     Since I love mental health & have been in the field almost half my life, I had to incorporate it into my work with Intentional. Using journals & planners have not only worked wonders for my life, but specifically for my mental health. Stress is no joke & can be deadly. 😣 We just have to do what we can to battle it.

     In addition to the products, putting information out daily & hosting self-care challenges quarterly are assisting me with achieving my mission. Life stays lifin’ so it’s up to us to keep an emergency go-to kit handy to be able to manage the twists & turns. 🎢 These tools have helped me (although I’ve fallen off a little over the last couple of months), so I’m hoping they’ll do the same for at least one other person. What’s life without passing on something positive to someone else?

     Stay tuned for more tips, tools, & challenges! The final 31 Day Self-Care Challenge of 2024 is approaching quickly, so get ready for October to have you pouring into yourself a little more. 💋

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