
When Life Gives You Lemons & You Feel Like You’re At Rock Bottom, Still Take Care of Yourself & Sip That Lemonade!

This week has been a doozy! So much has gone on that I knew I needed to take a mental break by Tuesday morning. I don’t know if there was any aspect that wasn’t irking me, so I made sure to prioritize taking care of myself. Otherwise I would probably have been near sitting in a jail cell.


Man oh man! The last couple of weeks have been physically, mentally, & emotionally draining! I’m not sure if there was much that didn’t test me. Between work life, home life, parent life, finances…honey the struggle was real!

     There aren’t many things that frazzle me & not many times that it feels like life is coming at me fast, but this week ran me dry. Having so many different irons in the fire is exhausting. There wasn’t one day in the last 2 weeks that I didn’t have something on my calendar. I ran, ran, & ran some more for 10 days straight. My sleep was broken, & there were many nights full of going to bed late & then not being able to fall asleep once I got into bed.

     My attitude reflected my mental & physical drain. I felt it building up each day, & that shaken bottle exploded yesterday. I went OFF! Even my work bestie was like “whoa!” I didn’t want to talk to anyone, much less be around others. And unbeknownst to me, a savior was on the way…


I knew I needed a change, & it came in the form of self-care. One challenge this week was to try a new hobby. I chose something physical: Pilates. I had no clue what I was in for, but I have some fitness goals so it was right up my alley. Wooo chile, talk about effort needed! Let’s just say I feel muscles I didn’t even know I had! But I’m committed to continue with it daily. We’ll see how it goes.

      I’d scheduled a day off & had no clue about it. In fact, I didn’t realize it until I looked at the schedule at work for the rest of the week. It was right on time too. I sent the lil girl to school, ordered IHOP for breakfast, went walking with the husbae, & took a nap on the porch. I completely disconnected for the day & didn’t even realize I hadn’t written this week’s blog until almost 6:00. The overachiever in me refuses to break my routine, so this will be short & sweet.

     I started a few new books this week: one fiction & one for self-improvement. The fiction one is a murder mystery, one of my favorite genres. It allows me to take my mind to another place. The other one is called “Go Be Her,” & it’s so motivating so far. There is a quote, followed by a bit about the subject, & ending with an affirmation in each section. Today’s was right on time. It said this: 

“I am daily guided in the direction of what best serves me. Only those who are honest, seek my highest good, & add to my joy can exist in my reality.” 

I felt that one in my soul & knew trouble wouldn’t last always!

Enjoy Your Lemonade in the Shade

Things happen in life. It’s inevitable. There’s not a thing we can do to change the trajectory of our lives. It’s already written, so we might as well make the best of it. With a little bit of changing your mindset from negative to focusing on the positive aspects, you can leave your stressful days behind & embrace the lesson that comes from the experience. Through it all, take care of yourself, friends!