
The Challenge Check-In: Week 3

We’re over the hump, y’all! This 31 Day Self-Care Challenge has been right on time for me! I’ve gotten more positive feedback over the last week, so I have a list of ideas now on how to continue promoting self-care. Check out how I’ve progressed over the last week. 

The Ups

I’m still motivated this week & feeling pretty zenned out. I’ve been more tolerant at work (maybe it was because I only worked 3 days or was in pre-vacation mode). I definitely wasn’t as quick to get irritated there. I’m usually ready to pop off, but the stupidity just got plenty of blank stares & unintentionally humorous comments.

     The challenge tasks gave me a variety of outlets to tap into to relax. I have dance breaks all of the time. Music seems to always be in my head, so I’m always bopping around. I played all kinds of music this week to make me move. Listening to podcasts to pass the time have allowed me to let go of my thoughts & focus on something else. I learned some good things listening to a few. I think Brown Girl Self-Care might be my new fav.

     Meditating before I got out of bed centered my mind for the morning. I usually read devotionals until the last minute & jump up to get ready in fast forward. Sunday, I took a little more time to chill by doing the morning meditation session after devotionals. Then listening to spiritual things for the first couple of hours of my shift started my week on a positive note. I needed that to get through that 12 hours.

     I found more time to read too. I finished 2 books this week: one on Audible & one hardcover. They were both just-reads. The first was “Drama Free.” It gave me some insight on how to set boundaries within my inner circle. I’m on a mission to break some generational curses. The other was “Rabbit,” & it was sooooooo good. Very inspirational story of overcoming so many obstacles in life. 

     Now I’m on to the next: “Set Boundaries, Find Peace.” Yep, a recurring theme because self-reflection over the last month has shown me I give too much without pouring back into myself. I’m a work in progress for sure!

The Downs

I think I had more downs this week than the 2 previous ones. My week was thrown off since I worked Sunday. All week I thought it was a day later. That also threw off my walking routine since I had to be at work before the sun woke up. I can tell that that made my energy a little lower. Hopefully a few days off from my newfound walking routine won’t throw my motivation off.

     I had a lot of nights of broken sleep as well. Whether I was too hot, got woke up by a noise, or insomnia bit me, the broken sleep gave me slight headaches every morning & made me sluggish. I had to work Wednesday at 3am, so that really lessened my sleep. I’m still trying to recover from it, so I hope this weekend will bring the ability to get some quality rest.

     I did a lot of running around this week. Between a few obligations for the kids, preparing for vacation, & my normal errands, I felt like I was on the go all week. Now that I’m on the way to the airport for a few days away with my entire family, I’m going to commit to sitting still more & enjoying living in the moment.

     I usually have a lot going on right before vacation that tests my mind, body, & spirit, so I’m not surprised about that. I just pray that a few days away from normal life will allow me to recharge & reset. I sure need it so I can be ready to conquer week 4 of the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge!

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