
The Challenge Check-In: Week 2

We’re almost halfway into the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge! How are y’all feeling? Is it giving your mind, body, & soul what you’ve been needing? Are you feeling a little less stressed & more centered? Well, here’s a little update on my journey & some of the feedback I’ve gotten so far…

My 31 Day Self-Care Challenge Progress

Over the last 13 days, I’ve been feeling a lot more like myself. I’ve made it a point to prioritize not only the daily challenge tasks, but also other things that play into me feeling less stressed. Even though it’s super hot right now in NC, I’ve taken 3-4 days each week to walk for at least 30 minutes. I mostly go first thing in the morning before it gets not too hot. It’s so quiet & serene where I go. I might actually try walking without my headphones for a few days so I can take in the sounds of nature. I’ve enjoyed seeing the fish, chipmunks, & cranes so far. Usually I’m either listening to a playlist, podcast, or church service though. Those things help free my mind. 

     Another thing I’ve done is trying to monitor my eating & drinking habits a little better. I’m a grab & go girl, especially while I’m working, so I’ve made sure I’ve had healthier choices to snack on like fruit & nuts. I’ve also tried to get in all 8 glasses of water while I’m on the clock. It just makes it easier for me to track & make sure I’m staying hydrated throughout the day. I can easily go the whole 10 hours at the desk without moving or drinking much. No bueno!

     I started 2 medications also to help get my moods in formation. Being easily irritated & not feeling like myself wasn’t cutting it, so I made an appointment with my primary care physician & kicked things off. I’m actually proud of myself because I hate taking any kind of medicine & don’t do well with asking others for help. I can’t swallow pills without throwing them in my throat 🤷🏽‍♀️. I’d prefer to do things naturally, but you can’t have everything you want. They’re helping; I definitely haven’t been the “Monster at the End of This Book” for the last couple of days 😂!

     Yoga has become my friend again as well. Besides the sessions from the challenge, I love going to YouTube, searching for a session according to how I’m feeling, & hitting the floor in my bedroom. My flexibility has gone down the drain apparently, but I’m going to work my way back into being a little looser. It has helped relax my mind too though. The instructors’ voices are always so calming. I end the 20-30 minute session feeling calm & stretched out. 

The Feedback

So far, several people I talk to on a regular basis are participating in the challenge. The nonprofit board I’m on has a group chat going that tracks their progress & allows us to encourage each other. My coworker & mother send me daily pictures of themselves participating. Some have provided me a nice little chuckle. It appears to me that people are enjoying it, so I hope it does some good to more than just them.

     The biggest struggle some had was disconnecting from social media. I don’t think we realize how much time we spend browsing through those apps. I’ve started spending more time reading books instead of being on social media (just this year I’m on book #23). Outside of checking notifications a few times per day, I don’t really get on as much. I did join Threads though, so I might slide over there to see what’s going on until I can get the gist of what it’s all about. I’m just not the chatty type, so I’m not sure what I really need to say over there 😜.

     Over the next week, we’ll be doing a variety of things: music, podcasts, meditation, skincare, & hydrating. It might be more of a challenge for me to balance things this week since I’m working more, have appointments, & will be traveling, but I’m determined to make it happen. 

     Keep me posted on how your journey on the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge is going! I love the feedback & can’t wait to see who is going to win the self-care kit!

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