
The Challenge Check-In: Final Week

We’ve made it to the final week of the 31 Day Self-Care Challenge! Boy has this been a journey for me! I’ve definitely experienced some highs & some lows over the last 27 days, but the good far outweighs the bad. Let’s recap my last 7 days, shall we?

The Valleys

Oooooh chile, I’ve been tested so much over the last week! The Devil has been busy trying to pluck my nerves & those of the folks around me. Husbae has been a bit stressed, so I’ve been trying to keep his spirits up. He’s normally the strong one in the relationship who doesn’t stress, so we’ve switched roles for a bit. I’ve got his back wholeheartedly though, & I know he’ll be ok. Hard times don’t last always!

     Vacation stressed me TF out! Traveling & staying in one place with 9 children ain’t for the weak! They had a blast, but us women were in constant monitoring & redirecting mode. If we weren’t poolside trying to make sure nobody drowned, we were in the house telling them to chill out or clean up. A few planned activities were a little chaotic at first but overall enjoyable by most. I don’t think I’ve ever been ready to get home to my room from vacation before. Lesson learned: don’t all stay in one house if children are involved!

     I missed some days of the challenge due to traveling. I was up before the sun on Sunday heading to the airport, so I was unable to do my morning yoga session. We already were rushing & almost missed our flight, so that session would’ve definitely had us sitting in the airport beyond 8:30. As a result of recovering from vacation, I missed Monday’s exercise session too. I was on my bed binge watching Snowfall all day (Yes, I’m hella late to the party. Don’t judge me!). My water intake was less than stellar, but if we could’ve counted alcohol I would’ve conquered it daily. All in all, I guess I missed the mark on the healthy stuff.

The Peaks

Even though I tanked 3 days, the other 4 were easy as pie! I treated myself more than just on Friday. I had cookies then & we had a mobile hibachi company come to the house on Saturday. Food was the highlight of my trip (per usual). The food & the beauty of the destination are the only things I care about when I go on a trip. 

     Florida is so pretty & being with my family was great, so my gratitude list on Saturday was done in less than 60 seconds. We have so much to be grateful for that we oftentimes forget the little things. Just being able to breathe & still living are 2 easy ones we can all say we’re grateful for! All you have to do is look around to start a list. We’re far more better off than we think we are a lot of times.

     The last 2 days have also come easy. Deep breathing is something I do every so often while I’m working, just to take a pause or to center myself. I’m so passionate about behavioral health that I stay ready to get at someone who discounts mental health. Considering that we deal with 50-100 patients daily, it’s necessary to take a break every now & then. Mindful eating was a change as well. I normally read or catch up on things on my phone as I eat, but it was a nice change to just sit & enjoy eating without distractions. 

Looking Ahead

We only have a few more days until we complete this 31 Day Self-Care Challenge, so let’s go out with a bang! I’m going to get back on my fitness routine & pray for my hair to not sweat out so bad. I feel like I need to keep a schedule of self-care activities so I don’t neglect myself. It helps me hold myself accountable. Let me know how it’s working for you. I’ve heard the same from a few people so far. 

One Comment

  • Genesis Rainey Felton

    Can’t believe its been a full month of self care and prioritizing me. Though I don’t know if ill ever get the chance to do a full month again, thank you for the motivation and help showing that it truly doesn’t have to be a big splurge to do some self care.