
I’m Not Lucky; I’m Blessed!

The attitude is gratitude, & it should be that way more often than not! When we think about gratitude, we oftentimes think of material things. We’re grateful for our homes, clothes, cars, jobs, money…but there are so many other things to be grateful for. The people around you, the things you experience, your senses & health, freedom. The list is endless & isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. 

A Few of My Blessings 

When I think about the people, places, & things I’m thankful for, I have to take it way back to my first year of life. I was diagnosed with meningitis, & from what I’ve heard I came close to death. I received a shot in my head, & even now I can feel the pain from it from time to time when i have a headache. I can’t even imagine how my parents felt dealing with the unknown in terms of my health outcome. I just know I’m thankful that the medical team was able to cure my illness so I can continue to walk through life. 

     Since then, I’ve had 4 surgeries (only one wasn’t medically necessary) & have bounced back from each one better. Being under general anesthesia is scary in itself, so I’ve definitely connected more with God right before each procedure. I’m thankful for those surgeons’ skills, the success of the surgeries, & the pain meds afterward 😂. It makes me realize I could be in worse health than I currently am.

     I’ve come a long way mentally as well. Back in 2009, I found myself in the darkest place ever. It seemed like nothing was going right in my life. I was on the struggle bus in every area, & I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. There wasn’t anything I felt that I was doing right, & I thought I was in it all alone. I made a plan to end it all, & a flash of my young son’s face stopped me from hitting the gas. He’s my saving grace, & I’m eternally grateful for him!

     I chose to get help instead of following through with my suicide plan. Between medication (which I only temporarily took), therapy, & a lot of ground work on my part, I’ve been able to cope with depression & anxiety. It’s a battle on some days, but the coping skills I acquired over time help me to keep pushing with a sound mind. Again, grateful!

     So many people suffer in silence, but they don’t have to. There are resources all over the place that can help you come out of your darkness. Whether you call a suicide prevention hotline, seek therapy, find coping skills on the internet, or talk to a loved one, know that you don’t have to do this alone. Everyone can have someone to reach out to in their times of need. We’re not on Earth alone, so we don’t have to suffer alone.

     The things I’ve experienced in my 45 years of life have been life altering at times. I’ve made some extremely stupid decisions that could’ve easily landed me in prison or a grave. Although there are some things I would do differently if I could go back in time, I embrace the lessons I’ve learned as a result of going through them. They’re also things that can help me guide others in the future from making similar mistakes. I’m not ashamed of anything. Nobody is mistake- or sin-free. There’s a blessing in every lesson!

     My most prized things are actually people: my husband, our 4 kids, my parents, my sisters, my niece & nephews, & my friends. Those folks make up my family, many of which aren’t related to me by DNA. Those people hold me together when I’m spiraling, make me laugh when I want to bawl my eyes out, set out on crazy adventures around the world I want to experience, & give me the motivation I need to push through all situations. 

     I’ve explained to many people that family doesn’t equal blood relation to me. Family are those who’ve shown up for me when it really mattered. Most of those people have been around 3-30 yrs, but they mean more to me than some that have known me my entire life. They show up & show out, & I definitely will do the same for them without blinking an eye. 

Learning the Gratitude Attitude 

Once I started realizing how much I had to be grateful for, I felt like I needed to find the beauty in at least one thing daily. It helps me look for the positive, no matter how bad of a day I had. So each night when I journal, I write one thing I’m thankful for. Some nights have been a stretch & cause me to think for a few seconds about what I’ve come across. Other days, I can rattle a list off immediately. Regardless, I’m able to see the good in life no matter what. 

     If you have a journal, start that routine at the end of each day. If you’re not big on journaling, you can leave sticky notes when you come across something during the day. You can keep a running list in your phone. You can just simply tell someone who or what you’re thankful for. Regardless of your method, make some effort to show your gratitude. It’ll make you feel a little better, & it’s good for your spirit! Be blessed, my people!
