
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself 

Stress…STRESS!!! Seems like on some level, it’s the story of my life! Whether it’s small stress like running late to an appointment, good stress like packing for a vacation, or big stress like a financial crisis, stress seems to live in me. Sometimes I feel like I’m on pins & needles, while other times I just have some butterflies. Either way, stress has to be managed in a healthy way, so let’s get into it!

What Are We Dealing With?

     What is stress? It’s your body’s way of alerting you about something new. The signs can be physical or mental. Check these out:


  • Headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Racing heart
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle tension
  • Digestive problems
  • Weak immune system
  • Sexual dysfunction


  • Negative mood
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Concentration issues 
  • Addictive behaviors 

     Headaches, stomach issues, & a negative mood are usually my signs that I’m becoming too stressed. The physical issues are easier for me to deal with, but the mental ones are what let me know it’s time to check myself. But how am I supposed to check myself if I don’t know why I’m stressed out?

     It’s so important to pinpoint your sources of stress so you can handle them appropriately. After all, if you don’t know the cause, how will you understand the effect or the root? You have to take a step back & get real with yourself. Most times, I know exactly what’s stressing me, but there have been times that I’ve had to grab a pen & paper & write it out. Doing it this way allows me to see how much I’m really dealing with. It also allows me to see what I can control, what I can’t, & what I can allow someone else to help me with. 

Now What?

     Once the stressors are discovered, it’s easier to cope with them (or even eliminate them). The key is to make sure they are healthy coping mechanisms. What’s heathy? Anything that aids in relieving the stress without having a consequence that can create more stress. Here are a few unhealthy coping skills to help you determine what’s healthy:

  • Drinking too much
  • Using drugs
  • Smoking
  • Gambling
  • Overeating or an Eating Disorder
  • Compulsive behavior like sex, shopping, & internet browsing

     One interesting coping skill I came across is a Stress Toolbox. It’s an emergency kit you use to analyze your stressors & conquer them. It has three parts: Self-Awareness, Self-Care, & Social Support. 

In the Self-Awareness part, you include things you should do, things you shouldn’t do, & things you need to learn to do better. This is the “check yourself” part. We all know what & who our triggers are. Make a list of them, & don’t be afraid to list people & things you love. They can be some of your biggest stressors! I live by this phrase: “Friend, family, or foe, anyone can go.” Who can be more real with you than the person staring at you in the mirror? Reality gives you the opportunity to kick those stressors to the curb.

In the Self-Care part, you include any coping skills that help you manage stress. This is the fun part! List out what helps you de-stress. Whether it’s taking a nap, a meditation break, going for a walk, screaming, or heading out on a weekend getaway, make sure you have a go-to list. These are your lifesavers, so make them thorough, effective, & make them count!

The final part, Social Support, has everyone that can & WILL be there for you in your time of need. These are your close friends & family, people you can call any time of the day & they’ll be a listening ear. Make sure they also encourage you to get rid of your stress in healthy ways.

     One important part to add is to know when to get professional help! Yes, your bff may listen & give great advice, or your  spiritual leader may send you to the right Scripture, but they’re nothing like a licensed therapist! When things get so bad that your mental & physical health are in jeopardy, reach out to someone who has been trained to help. Not to mention, there’s no bias from a therapist. They’re going to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

Can I Avoid Stressing Out?

     Like most things in life, stress can be prevented. We just have to make a conscious effort to get ahead of it. This is something I’m honestly not good at. I keep pushing until I near my breaking point, & then I take action. Here are some things we all can implement to tackle stress before it gets out of hand:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat heathy
  • Do relaxation exercises like yoga, deep breathing, & meditation
  • Practice positivity & gratitude
  • Understand that you can’t control everything
  • Learn to say “no”
  • Keep positive people around you

     I’m learning a lot about myself this year, especially after starting Intentional. It’s a reality check on how I need to pour into myself more. At the same time, it’s allowing me to gift the tools I come across to others. I mean, what is life worth if you can’t give back to others?

     Reality check time! Click the link below, & check your stress level. Then use the things in this blog to get it in formation!


Stress Management Resources




Find professional help: https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/issues/stress/get-help