
Keep That Same Energy 

I came across a post on mindbodygreen.com about the Law of Attraction & figured this month I’d focus on energy. According to them, it states that you receive what you give, whether it’s positive or negative. As I’ve said before, I’m big on energy. A person’s energy shows me exactly how I need to move in their presence. If your energy is positive, upbeat, & gives an honest vibe, it’s easy for me to be around you & allow you inside my real world. I have no trouble conversing with you, hanging out, or letting you know more personal things about me. 

On the other hand, if I get a dark vibe from you & my antennas scream “foul,” I move very strategically around you. Depending on the depth of the vibe I get, I could be around but remain quiet & appear standoffish, or I could avoid you like the plague. Either way, you probably won’t pick up on the reason I deal with you the way I do. It tends to be pretty subtle.

So how do you know what type of energy you’re exuding? The answer is self-reflection & accepting feedback from others. I figured a lot out about myself by journaling & really digging into my thoughts, words, & actions, & it’s not always roses & rainbows. Sometimes I find myself saying “girl, get it together!” Attitude will be on RUDE! Journaling has allowed me to put things on paper & be able to go back to see how I’ve changed. I kind of analyze myself so I can make changes. The importance of being real with yourself is undeniable, & I’ve needed it plenty of times over the last couple of decades so I can get back in formation. It’s one of the main reasons I chose to create a journal for others to use. You have to pass the tools that work for you on to others so we all can grow.

Accepting feedback from others may be a hard pill to swallow though. It’s not always easy to hear when someone recognizes your faults & weaknesses. In fact, it’s really easy to get offended & form a rebuttal. We tend to get in our feelings & fail to see that the other person may have a valid point. Many times, we listen to form a response instead of listening for understanding. Once we get over the initial gut-punch of what we heard, it’s essential to take a deep look at why that person/people have that point of view. IT’S YOUR ENERGY!

How do we change our energy? Recognize it & make a conscious effort to change. Here are some links with ideas on how to shift your energy:

Let’s all make an extra effort to give off positive energy into this crazy world we live in. There’s so much evil & negativity going on around us that we need to push ourselves to stop the cycle. Negativity is just as contagious as the positive vibes!

Evolvers, how are you checking your energy, & what do you think you can do to shift it when it’s funky?