
Self-Care: Selfish or Selfless?

Self-care (noun): care for oneself (Merriam-Webster, 2022)

When you think of self-care, what comes to mind? Taking care of yourself? Putting yourself first? Treating yourself? Pampering sessions? All of the above? On one hand, prioritizing yourself can be viewed as selfish. Taking time out to do things strictly for yourself can rub people the wrong way, especially when it’s their time of need. But just how selfish is pouring into yourself? Throughout the years, I’ve learned a hard lesson, sometimes one that would knock me clear on my tail with little energy to move: YOU CAN’T POUR INTO OTHERS CONSTANTLY WITHOUT REFILLING YOUR OWN CUP! I have put myself on the back burner for my job, my kids, my loved ones, & my to-do list so often that I literally ended up so tired I couldn’t muster the energy to eat. And it wouldn’t help that I would get right back to those things as soon as I regained the tiniest but of energy, strictly out of feeling guilty for not fulfilling an obligation. Although I still push myself to the max, I’ve learned to enforce a happy medium & set time daily for some form of self-care. It’s now non-negotiable! Whether I spend five minutes meditating or two hours on the porch watching leaves fall, I prioritize a piece of the 24-hour day to renew myself.

In essence, self-care is completely selfishly selfless! You’re taking time for YOU so you can give time to others in the long run. 

So Evolvers, what are some of your go-to self-care activities?


    • intentionalllc

      Absolutely! A sleep routine is essential for your self-care routine. Listen to your body! Limiting time on social media also helps, especially when you have so many other options to unwind.

  • MK

    Quiet time, exercising, sleep, eating healthier meals, doing nothing except living in the moment and saying NO is part of my self-care.

  • Wanda Miles

    I’m so in love with this journal, it draws me to my safe space where I can sit with myself. My thoughts sometimes go deeper than the current and often times I’m running out of space. It’s a journal that I dedicated my words to the Author and to my children that one day down the road they will sit with themselves to laugh, cry and feel my presence.