
Men Need Love Too!

When we think of self-care, many of us may think of women & their self-care routines. Girls’ nights, getting their nails & hair done, doing yoga, spa days, lighting candles, the list goes on for things we think of as women’s self-care techniques. However, self-care is for everyone. Although we don’t always view it as such, MEN NEED SELF-CARE TOO! I realized this even more when I asked my husband what he does for self-care. His response: “What do you mean? Nothing. I just focus on solutions.” Immediately I went into brainstorm mode, & I’m determined to make sure he implements a self-care routine, even if he doesn’t see it as one. 

Everyone needs a box of go-to options when they need to decompress & reset. Without managing stress & pouring into yourself, things will just build up & eventually erupt. Traditionally, we view men as the strong, hardworking leaders of the household, but they need their time to take that Captain’s cap off too.

I did a little digging & came up with a few things our men folk can try to pour into themselves. Check these out & tap in to help extend this list for them!


It’s important for everyone to elevate their heart rate, but physical activity is a stress reliever for men. Get out & get active, regardless of what the activity is. 

Affirmations & Meditation

Reciting positive affirmations is a way to improve your mood & inspire yourself. Taking a few seconds to say something uplifting to yourself can change your mindset over time. Meditating on those mantras or playing a guided meditation also gives you a few minutes to yourself to clear your mind. 


Writing your thoughts down helps to get them off your chest. Whether you list what you accomplished, express your feelings & frustrations, or draw what’s on your mind, journaling gives you a private moment to reflect on your day.

Set a Nighttime Routine

Sleep hygiene can make a major impact on your whole being. Your mood, health, & energy are affected negatively when you don’t get quality sleep, & it can throw your whole day off. Set a nightly routine that gets you ready for bed. A hot shower & setting a bedtime can help ensure you get enough sleep every night. Turn your phone & tv off. Essential oils, such as lavender, cedarwood, & rosemary, are also some relaxing scents to help you wind down.

Spa Time

Spa days aren’t only for women! Men get manicures, pedicures, facials, & massages too. Your grooming routine doesn’t only have to be a haircut. There’s nothing wrong with a well-groomed man! Women love that you take care of yourself!

Me Time

Schedule some time just for yourself to do what you like. Whether it’s alone time or getting together with the guys, having time to decompress & do things you enjoy is imperative. 

Now that you have some ideas, let’s keep the list going! Sound off, Evolvers!


  • Illia

    You are spot on! Men have been conditioned to detach from their feelings. Self care routines helps them reset and reinvest much needed time into themselves! The simple ideas that you outlined are easy to incorporate into some sort of routine!